Marine Corps Marathon 2016 – The tribute continues!

October 22, 2016

It’s that time of the year again.  We are running the Marine Corps Marathon on October 30th 2016.   We are not Marines, but we run for one!   We miss Captain Phil and run to pay tribute to his love for his family and service to our country.

This is a special year!  Captain Phil’s son, Austin, is a high school senior and will be graduating from the the same high school at his father.  It will be our honor to award Austin with one of this year’s Team Dykeman scholarships!

As we prepare for next week’s marathon, we want to thank you for you support!  Over the past several years, we have been able to present scholarships to high school seniors who have demonstrated a zest for life similar to Captain Phil.  We need to keep this drive alive!

We are not Marines but we run for one!

Semper Fidelis,
